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Julee L. Milham


Julee L. Milham,
Attorney at Law


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Lesson 34

Let Both “Musts” and “Nevers” be “Maybes”

“My journey to law school was peculiar. I was three months away from graduating college with a bachelor’s degree in sociology and religion and had no post-graduation plan. My heart was in the music industry, and one night a musician friend’s comment gave me this notion: I should go to law school so I can protect all the cute band boys from the mean industry people who would take advantage of them.

Sure, what else would a teenager think? The friend’s comment came on a Wednesday. I conferred with my parents when I saw them that Saturday, and the LSAT was the next week. I knew no lawyers, and I didn’t know what the LSAT was or what law school was. I thought it was a trade school of sorts. Although he denied it later, on first pronouncement, my father was understandably less than happy with this whimsical, expensive idea. He quickly came around, but I realized I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into. When I pondered to my father, “What if it’s not right for me?” he said, “Go. If you don’t like it, leave.”

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