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Renée E. Thompson


Upchurch, Watson, White and Max Mediation Group


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Lesson 45

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

“My mother raised me to believe that I could do anything I wanted to do, and so I believed from a very young age that I was capable of accomplishing almost anything I put my mind to. Being raised with this positive outlook made it easier for me to see the silver lining during difficult times and to make the most out of the opportunities that presented themselves, because I was always taught to believe in myself and my abilities. I remember as a child she would read to me at night the story of The Little Engine that Could, filled with the power of positive thought and what you can do if you believe in yourself. In retrospect, that was quite an amazing gift that my mom gave me at a young age. After all, she taught me that if you believe it, you can see it, and if you can visualize it, then you can accomplish most anything.”

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“Rejection is valuable. It forces me to re-examine my approach. It prevents complacency, and it pushes my boundaries.” from Pushing Past Fear and Failure, by Artie Renee Pobjecky

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