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Devika Kewalramani


Moses & Singer LLP


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Lesson 26

Practical Essentials for Professional Success: Knowledge – Trust – Solutions

“Not so long ago, for a woman to become a lawyer was perceived by many as a symbol of success. Today, successful women lawyers are redefining professional achievement and transforming the future of lawyering. But how does the legal profession and society measure success? What can we do to sustain success? And, how do we know if we are successful at all? I think that success is what happens when women lawyers seek out and create their own unique opportunities in a way that feels right for them. We can set our individual sights and reach our professional heights—that is the modern woman lawyer’s mantra for success. It is that freedom to make professional choices that makes success as a woman lawyer so poignant.

In my professional experience, three essential ingredients – knowledge, trust, and solutions – have helped to shape my law practice as I grew my client relationships, cultivated my professional network, and built my credentials.”

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“Not just advice, but affirmation that so much of what we feel and have experienced has been felt and experienced by others.” – Nora Riva Bergman

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